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So what’s the deal with the flower?!!!

Why did you pick those colors?

What is the star in the middle?

What does all of it have to do with the Enneagram anyway?

There are several reasons we decided to use the “colorful flower” in our logo in addition to the standard diagram as a way to represent the Enneagram:

  • COLORS: First of all, we (Katy & Leah) are both very visual people and find it helpful to see each TYPE on the Enneagram represented as a color as well as a number, so we decided to find a color for each! (read why we chose each color below)

  • FLOWER: Second, we thought that a flower would be a great way to represent the Enneagram since it is a tool used for SELF GROWTH. The petals blend into the neighboring petal/color to show how we take on our neighboring WINGS. So we’re not one solid color, but really a blending of colors!

  • WHITE CENTER: The white center represents our inner source of peace and what our ultimate goal of achieving ALL of the VIRTUES of each type to be as centered as possible. When you look at light, when all the colors mix, they become white!

9 - Being the "spine" of the Enneagram, at the very top/center of the diagram, the Nine's virtue is LOVE. Also being known as the "sweetheart of the Enneagram," we felt that Nines should be represented by RED. They are also the center of the Anger Triad and can be the most empathetic of all the numbers. But interestingly, Nines struggle to with drive, determination, action, energy and being assertive, so red is a reminder to Nines of what they should strive to be.

8 - Since Eights are part of the Anger Triad and given their choleric/hot-tempered nature, we used a BURNT ORANGEY-RED. The color orange is related to "gut instincts" and the ability to "bounce back" quickly. It is related to physical confidence, competition and independence - all traits of an Eight!

7 - Being the most sanguine personality in the Enneagram, we felt that Sevens should be a golden YELLOW like their sunny natures! Yellow is used for their optimism and cheerfulness, like Sevens always finding the bright side of life!

6 - Known for loyalty and their tendency to be involved in community, we chose LIME GREEN for Sixes. Green is also known as a color that shows balance, stability and endurance, all traits needed by Sixes to reduce stress and anxiety and that healthy Sixes show. Green traits also include needing to be accepted, appreciated and admired for the good you do in the community as well as in your family life.

5 - The word TURQUOISE means "open communication and clarity of thought," both things that Fives need! Turquoise also recharges your spirit during times of mental stress and tiredness (Fives having the second least amount of energy on the Enneagram), alleviating feelings of loneliness. You only have to focus on the color turquoise and you feel instant calm and gentle invigoration, ready to face the world again!

4 - As the most melancholy of all the numbers, be made Fours a blue or SAPPHIRE, which is typically a color associated with sensitivity, moodiness, being aware of emotions, and introspection. Blue is also a color associated with looking into the past (Fours are past oriented), and also represents peace, which is something Fours need - inner peace from all of their own emotions!

3 - Having a need to be seen for their achievements and wanting to be a center of attention, we gave the Threes the color PURPLE/INDIGO, which is also associated with creativity, integrity and vision, but can also lean towards drama, needing to be recognized and sometimes workaholic.

2 - Being the Helper, we gave Twos the color of FUCHSIA, which is associated with nurturing love, kindness, generosity and being sensitive to the needs of others. It can also mean emotional neediness, unreal expectations, lack of will-power and self-worth, which are things Twos can struggle with.

1 - Since Ones are next to 9 and still in the Anger Triad, we felt it should still be a reddish/pink tone, so we made it MAGENTA, which is a color for balance, common sense and being practical. Magenta is also know for impatience and bossiness, which can be a struggle for unhealthy Ones.

So as you see our logo and all the colors, find your color and see how close to “centered” you can become!!!




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